
Thick Rubber Bands

There is always stuff lying around your house that you feel you will never use again.

That stuff starts to pile up and you end up with throwing away all the unwanted stuff.

Ever wondered of making use of any of the stuff you think is trash?? Well rubber bands

is one which you can make use of in many things. Instead of throwing them away use the

thick rubber bands to get the most out of it. Here are some ways in which you can use


You can make use of the thick rubber band in your kitchen. While cooking,

baking or frying how many times has the fork or spoon fallen and created a mess? Now you

can avoid it simply it by putting the rubber band on the silver ware just about once

inch from the top. This exercise will keep the spoon or fork from falling and creating a

mess in the kitchen.

Rubber bands can also be used as grip. Instead of spending money

on buying grips from the store get a thick rubber band and take off bottle caps and

tops. You can also wrap the rubber band around the jar and it will help you contain

what's inside even if the cap is loose. Rubber bands can be of great help if you have

young kids and want to keep them from opening kitchen or bathroom cabinets that contain

dangerous materials. Young children like to explore a lot so wrap the rubber bands

around the knobs of the cabinets very tightly so that no one is able to open it without

removing the rubber bands.

Rubber bands can help you to keep your older kids busy for

hours. They can make rubber band balls, rubber band jewelry and even rubber band

bracelets. Making rubber band bracelets is easy. Select the outfit you will be wearing.

Use a thick rubber band as your base and cut the rest of the bands to create a color

scheme. One slit would be enough to make the rubber band a long string. Slide the cut

rubber band strings through the base rubber band and tie in knots. You can cut off the

ends if they are too long. If you don't like knots you can make bows; it only needs to

go across the top of your wrist. Your rubber band bracelet is ready and you can wear it


Another amazing use of a thick rubber band is in your car when you want to

keep receipts and other papers. Use a rubber band to old them together. Rubber bands can

also be used when in summer you want to drink cans but are hard to grip on. Wrap the

rubber band around the can a couple of times and you will have the perfect grip.


are some amazing ways you can bring to use the unwanted stuff like rubber bands in your

house. They can help you a great deal with a lot of things.